29. Dragging Vs. Leading: The Positive Impact of Foster Care on Your Biological Family

What is the difference between dragging your biological family through the muck and mire of foster care versus leading them through it well?

If you are a foster or adoptive parent, more than likely, you know what we are talking about when it comes to facing some adversity from the people who love you when you first share the news that you are becoming Foster Parents. Although it can sometimes be disheartening, we believe there is a way to confidently lead your family through this journey while mirroring the love of Jesus to those around you.

In today’s episode, you are getting a sneak peek into one of our breakout sessions from the Mobilize Ohio Conference titled “Dragging vs. Leading.” Our panel is made up of four women who collectively have a wealth of experience and knowledge from all different perspectives of the foster care journey.

We hope the wisdom shared throughout this episode will give you the strength and knowledge to find a group of people who get you, even if you are still waiting for the people who love you to get on board.

We encourage you to keep pressing forward on God’s calling on your life despite any challenges you may face; you are touching more lives than just the kiddos who walk through your door.

Episode Highlights: 
  • Initial reactions of biological families to foster care
  • Hesitation from bio family in regard to foster care
  • The Positive Impact of Foster Care on Your Biological Family
  • The challenges of Biological children in Foster Care
  • Finding your why 

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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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