Christa emphasizes that fostering has been a collaborative effort within her family, with her husband’s hard work, loving support, and their daughters’ innate commitment to loving the vulnerable. Their fostering journey led them to realize the critical need for support for foster, adoptive, birth, and kinship families, prompting the launch of H.O.P.E.-full Pastures in September 2020.
Inspired by Christa’s own healing experience with a horse during her teenage years, H.O.P.E.-full Pastures aims to offer hope to vulnerable children in their community through animal-assisted interventions. Christa’s program matches children who have faced hardship with animal companions and community mentors, or “Pasture Pals.” The program promotes healing and restoration of the child’s spirit through a holistic curriculum encompassing animal learning, trust-building, responsibility, and faith-based principles.
Moreover, H.O.P.E.-full Pastures extends support to the entire family, offering mentorship to parents and childcare for siblings, recognizing the importance of embracing families as a whole.
Join us as we dive into Christa Carrero’s inspiring journey of fostering hope, healing, and transformation, showcasing the profound impact of love and support in creating brighter futures for children and families in need.
Planting seeds of hope by creating Christ-centered communities for vulnerable children and families
Hope Bridge, Inc. 501(c)3
P.O. Box 205 Hartville, OH 44632