17. Take a Chance on Me: Breaking Down the Challenges Faced by Teens in Care with Maranda and Darien Karenbauer

Did you know that if a teen in foster care isn’t welcomed in by a foster care family, they could potentially be sent to stay at a local detention center? 


That was the case for one of our guests today, Darien Karenbauer. After being in and out of foster care, two failed adoptions, and nowhere to call home, Darien was sent to live at the local detention center so that he could have a bed and roof over his head. 


Joining Darien today is his adopted mother, Maranda Karenbauer. Maranda and her husband are foster and adoptive parents who adopted Darien as a teenager. 


The statistics surrounding teens in foster care facing challenges in finding stable placements are a cause for concern. According to various studies, a significant number of teenagers within the foster care system experience difficulty in securing permanent and supportive homes. These challenges often result in higher rates of instability, as teens may move between multiple placements or age out of the system without finding a long-term family environment. 


The lack of suitable placements for teens in foster care can have detrimental effects on their emotional well-being, educational attainment, and overall life outcomes. 


We encourage you to check out this episode as Darien and Maranda address the common misconceptions about fostering teenagers and provide us all with hope and encouragement that stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t always easy, but it is worth it. 


We are thrilled to announce that both Darien and Maranda will be speaking at our Mobilize Ohio Event! Make sure to register for Mobilize Ohio (linked below) so that you can hear more of their story! 

Episode Highlights: 
  • Learning more about Darien and Maranda 
  • Fostering and adopting teens 
  • Debunking fears around fostering teens 
  • Common Misconceptions
  •  Sibling relationships in foster care


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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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