1. Bringing Hope to Dark Places: Welcome to ReStoried

“The system is so broken” is a common phrase when we talk about foster care – and it is. But does that mean that we don’t engage? Is it even possible to bring hope to dark places like this, or is it too far gone?

While there’s no doubt that the child welfare system is overwhelmed and struggling nationwide, we truly believe that hope is not lost. We believe that as we follow Christ’s example of stepping toward the broken and being in close proximity to the lost, our proper response is to engage, to serve, and to move close.

Join us today as we share the heart behind our podcast and dive deeper into the mission of Hope Bridge.

Welcome to ReStoried!
Episode Highlights:
  • Introduction to Hope Bridge and our mission.
  • Diving into the different programs that make up Hope Bridge.
  • The power of community in foster care.
  • How Hope Bridge came to start a podcast.
  • God is still writing our story, and He knows the bigger picture.
  • Coming alongside the vulnerable.

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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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